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If you have a question about the cemetery, need to find a grave, or would like to volunteer, please contact us via the website or any social media platform we are on and we will respond as soon as possible.

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Thank you for submitting your message.

Peace Garden Memorial Plaque Update:

Unfortunately we have now had to temporarily suspend the sale of our memorial plaques in the Peace Garden. Until we can fit more plinths, we will only have a waiting list in place. The cost of drilling and installing the plinths is very expensive, estimated at £10 per hole (and we need a lot of holes drilling!). If you would like to join our waiting list for plaques, please get in touch and we will take your details. We will get in touch with you again once we are able to take orders again.   

  • How can I become a Friend?
    Just pop in on a Wednesday morning. We'll ask you to fill out a short form, but that's it!
  • What kind of jobs do you do?
    We do mainly gardening jobs such as pruning shrubs, weeding, grass cutting etc. We also locate graves for people and clean them if we've had a request or tidy them up. Other jobs include tidying the baby memorials and Peace Garden, litter picking, sweeping paths, cleaning the Community Hub (including the dishes!) and making tea, coffee and toast for people. We sometimes go out and have tombola stalls or sell bric-a-brac, too!
  • What do I need to bring with me to volunteer?
    Only yourself and a smile! We provide all the tools you need.
  • Can I volunteer without becoming a Friend?
    Of course! If you fancy a trial run or just one day volunteering, contact us or join us on a Wednesday morning. We may still ask you to fill out a form for that day, but we'll make sure it's destroyed after you're finished.
  • How do I get a memorial plaque?
    Contact us to request a form or call in on a Wednesday morning, fill it out and send it us back. We will submit it for you, fit the plaque when it arrives, and maintain it forever!
  • Can I move my plaque once it's been fitted?
    Of course! If you're not happy with the location, or you would like your plaque moving next to another one you have purchased, let us know and we will move it for you.
  • Are there any railings left?
    Unfortunately, no. All of our railings have been sold.
  • How many plaques can I have on my railing?
    As many as will fit!
  • Are the plaques a one-off payment, or monthly/annually?
    You only pay for the plaques once. Once they're fitted, they'll stay in the cemetery forever and we will make sure that they are looked after and protected.
  • Apart from the Peace Garden, is there anywhere else to have a plaque?
    Yes! If you're eagle-eyed, you'll have noticed that we currently have one plaque fitted to the kerbing around the paved Baby Memorial. All of that kerbing space is free to fit a plaque to. Though it's preferred that these are for babies and young children, anybody can have a plaque here. These however cannot be moved after they have been fitted.
  • Can you find my relative's grave?
    Yes. We have a database of people interred in the cemetery from when it first opened in 1868 to the present day. The database is updated annually.
  • My relative lived in Wombwell/Barnsley but isn't in your cemetery. Where would they be?
    Before Wombwell Cemetery opened, most people were interred in Darfield Cemetery. This is the most likely one to check, but there is a list of cemeteries in Barnsley found by clicking: This is the site we use, though we can only obtain the cemetery name and no other details.
  • Can I put a headstone on my ancestor's grave if they don't have one?
    It all depends if you have permission. If you have the deeds to that plot, you can get in touch with Bereavement Services to arrange for a headstone to be fitted. They should advise of how to do this. If you don't have the deeds, you will need permission from the owner, or you can contact Bereavement Services to find out how to obtain the deeds.
  • Can I rent the Community Hub?
    Of course! It's £10 per hour to rent. Please visit or contact us here to make an enquiry.
  • When does the Community Hub open?
    The Hub is open on a Wednesday morning from 10am to 12:30pm. We also open for public events, so keep an eye out!
  • What type of events do you allow in the Hub?
    Anything within reason. We've already had a Victorian Tea Party Birthday in there, but here are some of our suggestions: Funeral wakes, afternoon tea, social gatherings, meetings, craft sessions.
  • How do I get a CemeTree Trail or History Tour leaflet?
    You can get a leaflet by calling into the cemetery on a Wednesday morning between 9.30am and 12.30pm, or by hunting down one of our green coated volunteers patrolling the cemetery daily between 3pm and 4.30pm. Otherwise, you can request one using the 'Contact Us' form above. We can post one out to you, or email an electronic copy for you to print at home or use on your mobile.
  • How do I make a donation?
    Firstly, thank you for considering our charity to make a donation to. You can donate via Paypal using the button on our homepage, or you can send cash or a cheque to the Friends of Wombwell Cemetery to our postal address or by dropping it into the chapel on a Wednesday morning. We really appreciate any and all donations we receive and all donations go straight back into the cemetery through maintenance works and projects.
  • Are dogs allowed in the cemetery?
    Absolutely! But we do ask that dogs are kept on leads at all times, and any dog foul is picked up and disposed of in the bins provided.
  • I'd like to make a complaint. Who do I speak to?
    We're very sorry to hear that you wish to make a complaint. If it's regarding the Friends group, please contact our Chairman Karen through our contact form or via our social media pages. If it's a complaint about grass cutting, grave digging, bins, or any other council service, please contact Barnsley Council via their website
  • Who is in charge of grass cutting in the cemetery?
    Most of the cemetery is cut by Barnsley Council. However, the Friends cut the grass around the two chapels on a weekly or fortnightly basis depending on the season (the grass grows extremely quickly in May especially!)
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Wombwell Cemetery

Cemetery Road



South Yorkshire

S73 8HY


National Federation of Cemetery Friends Logo

© 2024 Friends of Wombwell Cemetery

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